My Fears for our Future

That my children will never know the levels of prosperity that my generation once had. That they will not have the feelings of safety, security at home, and abroad if they choose to travel.
     Our future generations will not have the opportunity to gravitate to higher levels of job/economic growth because of stagnation in the economy in our national will in our spirit of adventure, and of our recent political anger towards compromise and adventure towards progress.
     I worry about the loss of open minds on all fronts, we have lost the ability to sit at a table with clear-headed negotiators and drive a settlement up the middle that satisfies all parties regardless of their demands. The spirit of true negotiations is that both parties walk away HAPPY with the outcome, not rabidly hateful as is the outcome of most of our civil unrest these days.
     If we cannot show this to each other, how can we model this to the rest of the world?
     In politics, we are so fractured on both sides, in my opinion, the only way out is to return to the original concept of presidential elections: open tickets and the top two win, regardless of parties.
     Then, you must cross party lines to move the country forward.
     Our culture is becoming hateful. It helps us NOT to call Pat Buchanan a racist. Not one bit. Read his books. It helps us not to call Obama a "black Muslim" in the White House" as Madonna recently did. We have enough hatred floating around in our culture now.
     As Mrs Romney said, " Stop it."


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