What?  You think that's a bit over-board? ....I don't. I woke up today and it hit me. HE DOESN'T CARE ANYMORE, folks.
     You're....we're looking at an empty suit, guys. He's a walking shadow. He's only got nine months to go and he doesn't give a crap about what WE think. Don't think so? He has reputation for being snotty, right? He has this rep for surrounding himself with Yes men, women, OK? He doesn't like to be " talked to " badly. He gets icy, indignant and huffy, remember? \
     Remember the airport picture of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer with her finger pointed up his nose telling him off when he arrived in Arizona? He HATED that in that she bragged about that photo all over the capitol. (and she should have).
     ISIS cuts Jim Foley's head off in front of a camera and this boob goes golfing. Yet, when the black kid in Florida gets killed, he holds a press conference and says, " If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."
     ISIS terrorists murder a couple hundred in Belgium and our grand master goes dancing the Tango in South America, and then to a ball game!! Then, he says down there, " if Socialism or Communism works for different governments, well, different people have to use whatever works for them."
     Bernard Goldberg wastes his breath and good nature lampooning  Obama on daily e'mails to his audience trying to convince folks of this guy's perverse nature. I say - save your breath. He doesn't give a shit, never has and never will. Barack Hussein Obama predicted this in his book well before his 2008 election and he did EXACTLY what he promised he would do.
     His greasy salesmanship conned the electorate INTO THINKING THAT THE GOVERNMENT WOULD GIVE A CERTAIN CLASS OF PEOPLE A ton of something they wanted - for nothing.
And maybe they did just that - our national credit card has piled up more than any overage since we declared debt since we started running up debt, just since Barack took office.
     And the stupidly of Americans continues: Bernie Sanders is at it with the same tune. Greece is near bankruptcy, go ask your banker what that means. And, while your at it, ask him or her what will happen here when we collapse inward.


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