Bob Woodward + Various Authors + War Crimes

Poking through stacks of used books this Sunday morning at the Friends of the Library used book sale here in Tucson for my usual load of supplies to carry me through the cauldron months, I focused on the politics. In my later years, I have focused on this.
      At 74, clouds have dissipated on this issue, I see more clearly now, separating passion from logic and facts. As I often joke, as an old person, I are not stupider. Several lightning bolts strike me as I poke through Woodward's many volumes, and comparing them against on-line posts of the illiterate, I catch on towatch's happen.
     If you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough, you will find that it comes back to meet you as truth. That's not me talking, that was a little twerp, and Austrian corporal named Adolph Hitler. He built a whole nation on hating Jews wrapped around that little sentence. Perfected it actually. 
     Grasp the significance. He said it so many times, people believed it. He was revered. It actually developed into a psyhophenomenon, so the shrinks tell us.'
      Reading one of Woodward's books, he quotes a General quoting Bush about the Iraq war. The General, a minor luminary, name forgotten, babbles something about Bush's quote, Woodward prints it, it gets sucked into the vortex
     Ok, here's my point. How do we know they really ever had the conversation? If they did, how do  we know that is EACTLY what they said. How do we know what the context is or was? Who else heard it, or to whom else did Bush allegedly say it to? 
     Here's another point: how many books as Woodward written - E V E R about Clinton or Obama that critically dissects their performance in office? CRITICALLY? C' know what I mean. Other than wearing the wrong tie or ogling the Blond Princess of Bratislavia at a state dinner, or throwing up on the White House lawn? Gimmie a break.
    In other words, is Bob Woodward on the Democratic Party's payroll? Fair question, is it not. Where does he get his money?  Can we expect the house cat at MSNBC cable to do a special on that any time soon?
    Down to the nubbins. The Internet comments against Republicans are atrocious. Americans PARROT the accusations of what they read in some of these books from Woodward, Bernstein, and the Feminist Authors of the day. I encourage Americans to delve deeply into the comments string of some of these Internet remarks sections and judge for yourself the lack of respect, civility and often VIOLENCE towards the people we elect to office merely because of what some of these ' AUTHORS" call them in their own books.
    I firmly believe in First Amendment, but, their lack of caution and respect sometimes plays fast and loose with our freedoms in my personal opinion.


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